Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Campmeeting 2009 is underway!

Mark your calendars:
Campmeeting 2009 will be held, nightly, Sun. August 2 through Sun. Aug. 9th.
Services begin each night at 7 p.m. Special music by Firm Foundation will also be shared each evening.Our nightly evangelist is Rev. Jake Huffman of Roanoke, Virginia

Youth night this year will be on Thur. Aug. 6, beginning at 5:30 and featuring local youth band Chasin' Chickens.
Free food, free music, and drawings for prizes!
Kids and youth of all ages are invited for the evening's events!
Regular service for everyone begins at 7 p.m.
On Sunday, August 9th services will be held throughout the day, beginning at 11 a.m.
with a Sunday morning worship service
led by Rev. Dale Carden, Owensboro Distict United Methodist Superintendant.
(Our church will be held at the campmeeting that day, at the 11 a.m. service. We will not meet at Bethlehem).
A potluck-on-the-grounds will follow at noon.
Bring a dish and join us for good food and fellowship!
A concert by Firm Foundation will take place at 1:30 p.m.
The last evening service of Campmeeting 2009 will take place that night, Sun. Aug. 9 at 7 p.m.