Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Upcoming church & women's group events - fall 2012

Church yard sale:  The church will be participating in the Hwy 60 Yard Sale on October 5 &6.  Please bring your donated items to the Fellowship Hall in the next week or so.  Ladies will begin pricing on Wed. Sept. 26 at 2 p.m. - come if you can.  More pricing may be needed at another date.  Volunteers to "man" the booth are still needed both days.

Christmas activity:  If you are interested in going with the women's group (spouses welcome) to see the Rockettes' Christmas show in Nashville (preferred date is Dec. 8 and back-up date is Nov. 17) please let Donna C. know by the afternoon of Sun. Sept. 23.  Price is approx. $34 a person (non refundable) - pay Donna.  We will also try to tour the hotel Christmas displays.

We will also be collecting donations for the Mary Kendall Home.  A list will be provided later, but jewelry, cosmetics, watches, and Walmart gift cards are welcome items.

Fall festival:  the tentative date for the church Fall Festival / Halloween party is Sat. Oct. 27th at 5:30.  We will have chili and hot dogs.  Bring desserts, chips, etc. if you'd like.  Costumes are encouraged, but not required.  Fun for all ages!  Guests are welcome!

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Fall 2012, announcements

Sept. 9 at 3:30 - the kids and youth of the church are invited to the church grounds for some fun activities.  (Bring bug spray). 

Sept. 9 at 5 pm - everyone is invited for pizza and a slideshow of the church's Camp Loucon adventures!

October - start bringing your items in now to the Fellowship Hall as we prepare for participation in the Highway 60 yard sale.  Meeting to price items, TBA.

October - our Fall Festival is TBA.

November - church charge conference with our new UMC District Superintendant

Sunday, August 05, 2012

August 12 and August 19, 2012, services

Reminders: Bethlehem's services will meet at Yelvington Annual Campmeeting (11 a.m.) for the Sunday, August 12 service. Bethlehem church will meet for service at our Camp Loucon retreat (10 a.m.) on Sunday, August 19. There will be no services at the church those two Sundays - after that services will resume as normal at 10 a.m. in the sanctuary.

See you at campmeeting and the retreat!!

Monday, July 09, 2012

Bible Fun Filled Days

Kids - join us at Bethlehem UMC for our 3-day Bible Filled Fun Days (VBS).  July 30 through August 1 from 9 a.m. - 11 a.m.  Free fun, crafts, stories, snacks, and games!

Monday, June 18, 2012

We're on Facebook

You can get the most recent updates about the church, along with news and prayer requests, through our new Facebook page also:  http://www.facebook.com/BethlehemUnitedMethodistChurch.

Just hit "like" on the page to get Bethlehem's information added to your Facebook feed.

Sunday, June 03, 2012

Summer 2012 events

We are planning a Vacation Bible School in late July.  Stay tuned for more information.

The church retreat at Camp Loucon will be August 18 and 19th.  All church members and friends are welcome.  Lots of food, fellowsip, and fun!

Yelvington Campmeeting will be Sunday through Sunday, Aug. 5 - 12th, nightly at 7 p.m. at the campground (corner of Hwy 1389 and Campground Road).  Youth night is Thur. Aug. 9, beginning at 5:30 pm.  See the campmeeting Facebook page for more details.

Save your items for the fall  church yard sale!

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Upcoming events - spring 2012

The women's group is collecting funds to build baskets for the Mary Kendell Home Annual Day auction. See Donna or Joyce to donate.

We have plans for a church retreat this summer at Camp Loucon in July. More details coming soon.

The next prayer meeting is Wed. April 18 at 6 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall. All are welcome to this time for devotion, prayer, and potluck.