Monday, July 24, 2006

Campmeeting is Coming - Starts July 30th!

Campmeeting is coming soon! Mark your calendars! This year's campmeeting is July 30 - August 6. Every night at 7 p.m.

Youth night is Friday, August 4th beginning at 5:30. Be sure to invite some kids and teens for free food, good music, and a youth-centered (but important to all) message.

Remember that the final day (Sun. August 6) begins with morning worship service at 11 a.m. - which will be preached by our own Brother Ernie! This will be held at the campmeeting, in place of our service at the church. Then there will be lots of good food at the Potluck dinner - which is like all campmeeting events, open to all. Following that, at 1:30, Firm Foundation will bring special music before the afternoon service. This year's campmeeting will end with a 7 p.m. service that night.

Also: don't forget the second of the clean-up days for this year's campmeeting is July 29th (beginning at 7 a.m.) Everyone is invited to help out, and there's plenty of work to do this year since we're also cleaning up the cabin.

You can visit the campmeeting website (see the link on the sidebar) for more information on this year's services: